Addon Quickstart
Welcome! This is a quick guide-sheet to get you started with Node.js C++ addons. It’s meant to be super-easy to skim and copy/paste into your code.
If you are looking for more explanation and depth, checkout the blog, my book, the full code demo.
Project structure
Always create your addon in it’s own directory. If it’s going to be reusable, move the directory outside of your main project directory.
Each reusable addon needs (1) a package.json, (2) a binding.gyp, and (3) C++ source code. If your addon isn’t reusable, and isn’t a standalone module, then you can omit package.json
|---- package.json // (not needed if not reusable)
|---- binding.gyp
It’s almost always easier to set up your addon as an independent module. When done this way, you can require it from your local project, and a standard npm install
will handle the entire build process.
Three key things happen in package.json:
- Set
sonpm install
builds the addon automatically. - Set the entry point to the executable (“my_addon” below will be whatever you name your addon).
- Add NAN as dependency (optional, but highly recommended!)
"name": "my_addon",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "My reusable C++ addon",
"gypfile": true,
"main": "./build/Release/my_addon",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"nan": "^2.3.3"
The binding file is where you define your build. If you only have one C++ file, and it’s platform independent (doesn’t use OS calls), then this is really straightforward. Make sure you use the right name for your addon - what you put for “my_addon” needs to match what you put in package.json, and in the C++ code below).
"targets": [
"target_name": "my_addon",
"sources": [ "" ],
"include_dirs" : [
"<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")"
If you have platform specific source, you can add them with conditionals. In addition, if you have compiler flags they can be added as well. Check out my intro blog post on this for a bit more depth.
"targets": [
"target_name": "my_addon",
"cflags": ["-Wall", "-std=c++11"],
"sources": [ "" ],
["OS=='linux'", {
"sources": [ "" ]
["OS=='mac'", {
"sources": [ "" ]
["OS=='win'", {
"sources": [ "" ]
"xcode_settings": {
"msvs_settings": {
"VCCLCompilerTool": {
"ExceptionHandling": "1 # /EHsc"
"include_dirs" : [
"<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")"
If you are feeling adventurous, check out the gyp documentation for all the options and use cases - however there is some chromium-only information there, so beware.
Passing data between C++ and JavaScript
The following demonstrates passing several primitive types to C++ from JavaScript, and synchronously returning primitives back to JavaScript. It uses NAN, which is the recommended approach for addon development.
You can get the complete code here.
Numeric data
// contents of
// This is a basic addon - a binding.gyp file
// would need to include this file as it's source.
#include <nan.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Nan;
using namespace v8;
// Accepts 1 number from JavaScript, adds 42 and returns the result.
NAN_METHOD(PassNumber) {
Nan::Maybe<double> value = Nan::To<double>(info[0]);
Local<Number> retval = Nan::New(value.FromJust() + 42);
// Called by the NODE_MODULE macro below,
// exposes a pass_number method to JavaScript, which maps to PassNumber
// above.
Nan::Set(target, New<String>("pass_number").ToLocalChecked(),
// macro to load the module when require'd
NODE_MODULE(my_addon, Init)
The following JavaScript program requires the addon above (see the beginning of this guide for setting this up).
// contents of index.js
const addon = require("my_addon");
const assert = require('assert');
assert(addon.pass_number(100) == 142);
assert(addon.pass_number(100.5) == 142.5);
assert(addon.pass_number("100") == 142);
Integer data is similar. You can also do some error checking so undefined can be returned (or something else) instead of just NaN.
// contents of
NAN_METHOD(PassInteger) {
if ( info.Length() < 1 ) {
if ( !info[0]->IsInt32()) {
int value = info[0]->IntegerValue();
Local<Integer> retval = Nan::New(value + 42);
You’d need to load PassInteger the same way as PassNumber was added to the module.
// contents of index.js
assert(addon.pass_number(100) == 142);
assert(addon.pass_number(100.5) == 142.5);
assert(addon.pass_number("100") == 142);
Boolean data
// contents of
// flips true to false, false to true.
NAN_METHOD(PassBoolean) {
if ( info.Length() < 1 ) {
if ( !info[0]->IsBoolean()) {
bool value = info[0]->BooleanValue();
Local<Boolean> retval = Nan::New(!value);
// contents of index.js
assert(addon.pass_boolean(true) == false);
assert(addon.pass_boolean() == undefined);
assert(addon.pass_boolean("no") == undefined);
assert(addon.pass_boolean(1) == undefined);
String data
String data uses a slightly different syntax…
// contents of
// Reverses the string given
NAN_METHOD(PassString) {
if ( info.Length() < 1 ) {
if ( !info[0]->IsString()) {
// wrap the string with v8's string type
v8::String::Utf8Value val(info[0]->ToString());
// use it as a standard C++ string
std::string str (*val);
std::reverse(str.begin(), str.end());
// contents of index.js
assert(addon.pass_string("hello") == "olleh");
assert(addon.pass_string() == undefined);
assert(addon.pass_string(88) == undefined);
Strings are pretty loosely interpreted. If you remove the info[0]->IsString()
check in the C++
and pass in undefined
, you’ll get denifednu
Objects are a little more complicated. Here, pass object accepts an object with two properties, X and Y. It returns a new object with the sum and product. Most of the code is really dedicated to creating the necessary strings to serve as property names.
Remember, you can get the complete code here.
// contents of
NAN_METHOD(PassObject) {
if ( info.Length() > 0 ) {
Local<Object> input = info[0]->ToObject();
// Make property names to access the input object
Local<String> x_prop = Nan::New<String>("x").ToLocalChecked();
Local<String> y_prop = Nan::New<String>("y").ToLocalChecked();
Local<String> sum_prop = Nan::New<String>("sum").ToLocalChecked();
Local<String> product_prop = Nan::New<String>("product").ToLocalChecked();
// create the return object
Local<Object> retval = Nan::New<Object>();
// pull x and y out of the input. We'll get NaN if these weren't set,
// or if x / y aren't able to be converted to numbers.
double x = Nan::Get(input, x_prop).ToLocalChecked()->NumberValue();
double y = Nan::Get(input, y_prop).ToLocalChecked()->NumberValue();
// set the properties on the return object
Nan::Set(retval, sum_prop, Nan::New<Number>(x+y));
Nan::Set(retval, product_prop, Nan::New<Number>(x*y));
// index.js
var check = addon.pass_object({x: 5, y: 6});
assert(check.sum == 11);
assert(check.product == 30);
check = addon.pass_object();
check = addon.pass_object({foo:5, bar:6});
check = addon.pass_object({x:"6", y:"5"});
assert(check.sum == 11);
assert(check.product == 30);
If you are looking to work with Object Wrapping, where you can deal with C++ objects within JavaScript, take a look at the Node.js and C++ Integration book. The book also has a more complete set of examples of building objects inside V8 using Nan. For working directly with V8 without NAN, check out this post - it’s worth checking out!
Finally, here’s an example of doing some work with arrays. Like object, arrays are mutable from within the addon - meaning if you change a property/index on the parameter, that change is happening on the actual JavaScript memory.
// contents of
// Increment each value in the array parameter,
// Return a new array with the squares of the original
// array and a "sum_of_squares" property.
NAN_METHOD(IncrementArray) {
Local<Array> array = Local<Array>::Cast(info[0]);
Local<String> ss_prop = Nan::New<String>("sum_of_squares").ToLocalChecked();
Local<Array> squares = New<v8::Array>(array->Length());
double ss = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < array->Length(); i++ ) {
if (Nan::Has(array, i).FromJust()) {
// get data from a particular index
double value = Nan::Get(array, i).ToLocalChecked()->NumberValue();
// set a particular index - note the array parameter
// is mutable
Nan::Set(array, i, Nan::New<Number>(value + 1));
Nan::Set(squares, i, Nan::New<Number>(value * value));
ss += value*value;
// set a non index property on the returned array.
Nan::Set(squares, ss_prop, Nan::New<Number>(ss));
// index.js
var inputs = [1, 2, 3];
var squares = addon.pass_array(inputs);
assert(inputs[0] == 2);
assert(inputs[1] == 3);
assert(inputs[2] == 4);
assert(squares[0] == 1);
assert(squares[1] == 4);
assert(squares[2] == 9);
assert(squares.sum_of_squares == 14);
What else should you know?
There are bunch more topics that you’ll need to learn before really being able to take full advantage C++ from Node.js. Here are a few important topics, and some resources on this site for learning them.
Asynchronous addons methods: Most addon methods shouldn’t block the event loop when called, which means you should make them asynchronous - they will accept a callback which will be used to return the results of the call. You can start learning the asynchronous pattern here, and using NAN with async is covered here. You’ll also want to check out streaming data from C++ to Node.js, which extends the asynchronous model.
Using Buffer objects: You need to be mindful of copying data between V8 and C++ proper, you can incur some penalties you might not expect. In addition, memory management and multithreading (asynchronous addons) can be tricky. Check out my article on how not to share memory between async threads, and learn about using buffers to side step this issue and save yourself a lot of memory copying.
Deploying addons: You can publish addons to the npm registry just like any other module, but when you do this it means the C++ code in your addon needs to be built on the target machine, using a C++ compiler. If that’s an issue, check out using
to publish and distribute binaries for your supported platforms. While your at it, check out deploying your addons to Amazon Lambda too!