Node.js Addons

Learning C++ addons for Node.js

C++ processing from Node.js

Part 3 - Arrays

20 Jul 2015

This article is Part 3 of a series of posts on moving data back and forth between Node.js and C++. This series is also expanded upon in my ebook on Node/C++ Integration. In Part 1, I built up an example of processing rainfall accumulation data in C++ and returning a simple statistic (average) back to JavaScript. In Part 2 I modified the C++ addon to return a JavaScript object representing more complete statistics about each location/sample.

In each of the previous posts, the JavaScript objects being passed into C++ looked like this:

      "latitude" : "42.35",
      "longitude" : "-71.06",
      "samples" : [
          { "date" : "2015-06-07", "rainfall" : 2.1 },
          { "date" : "2015-06-14", "rainfall" : 0.5}, 
          { "date" : "2015-06-21", "rainfall" : 1.5}, 
          { "date" : "2015-06-28", "rainfall" : 1.3}, 
          { "date" : "2015-07-05", "rainfall" : 0.9}

In Part 2, the C++ addon returned a rain_result object that looked list this:

	median: 1.2999999523162842
	standard_deviation: 0.6066300272941589

Now we’ll look at passing an array of location data into C++ and having C++ return an array of results back to us. All the code for this series of posts is found here.

Receiving an Array from Node

If you haven’t read Parts 1 and 2 of this post please do so now - its important you understand how I’m integrating C++ and JavaScript classes. Instead of using the V8 object wrapping API, I’m just packing/unpacking data from V8’s native objects into and out of my POCOs. While there is a little added work upfront, we’ll see this work now be leveraged to make list processing really very easy.

Registering the callable addon function

As always, we start by writing a C++ function in /cpp/ that will be callable from Node.js.

void CalculateResults(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&args) {
    Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate();
    std::vector<location> locations;  // we'll get this from Node.js
    std::vector<rain_result> results; // we'll build this in C++
    // we'll populate this with the results
    Local<Array> result_list = Array::New(isolate);
    // ... and send it back to Node.js as the return value
void init(Handle <Object> exports, Handle<Object> module) {
  // part 1
  NODE_SET_METHOD(exports, "avg_rainfall", AvgRainfall);
  // part 2
  NODE_SET_METHOD(exports, "data_rainfall", RainfallData);
  // part 3
  NODE_SET_METHOD(exports, "calculate_results", CalculateResults);

The CalculateResults function will extract a list of location objects from the parameters (args) and eventually return a fully populated array of results. We make it callable by calling the NODE_SET_METHOD in the init function - so we can call calculate_results in JavaScript.

Before we implement the C++, lets look at how this will all be called in JavaScript. First step is to rebuild the addon from the cpp directory:

>  node-gyp configure build

In the rainfall.js, we’ll construct an array of locations and invoke our addon:

// Require the Addon
var rainfall = require("./cpp/build/Release/rainfall");

var makeup = function(max) {
    return Math.round(max * Math.random() * 100)/100;

// Build some dummy locations
var locations = []
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
    var loc = {
        latitude: makeup(180), 
        longitude: makeup(180), 
        samples : [
            {date: "2015-07-20", rainfall: makeup(3)}, 
            {date: "2015-07-21", rainfall: makeup(3)}, 
            {date: "2015-07-22", rainfall: makeup(3)}, 
            {date: "2015-07-23", rainfall: makeup(3)}

// Invoke the Addon
var results = rainfall.calculate_results(locations);

// Report the results from C++
var i = 0;
    console.log("Result for Location " + i);
    console.log("\tLatitude:         " + locations[i].latitude.toFixed(2));
    console.log("\tLongitude:        " + locations[i].longitude.toFixed(2));
    console.log("\tMean Rainfall:    " + result.mean.toFixed(2) + "cm");
    console.log("\tMedian Rainfall:  " + result.median.toFixed(2) + "cm");
    console.log("\tStandard Dev.:    " + result.standard_deviation.toFixed(2) + "cm");
    console.log("\tNumber Samples:   " + result.n);

When you run this with node rainfall you’ll get no output, only because the C++ function is returning an empty array at this point. Try putting a console.log(results) in, you should see [] print out.

Extracting the Array in C++

Now lets skip back to our CalculateResults C++ function. We’ve been given the function callback arguments object, and our first step is to cast it to a V8 array.

void CalculateResults(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&args) {
    Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate();
    ... (see above)...
    Local<Array> input = Local<Array>::Cast(args[0]);
    unsigned int num_locations = input->Length();

With the V8 array input, we’ll now loop through and actually create a POCO location object using the unpack_location function we saw in Part 2. The return value from unpack_location is pushed onto a standard C++ vector.

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_locations; i++) {
       unpack_location(isolate, Local<Object>::Cast(input->Get(i)))

Of course, now that we have a standard vector of location objects, we can call our existing calc_rain_stats function on each one and build up a vector of rain_result objects.


Building an Array to return back from C++

Our next step is to move the data we’ve created into the V8 objects that we’ll return. First, we create a new V8 Array:

Local<Array> result_list = Array::New(isolate);

We can now iterate through our rain_result vector and use the pack_rain_result function from Part 2 to create a new V8 object and add it to the result_list array.

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++ ) {
      Local<Object> result = Object::New(isolate);
      pack_rain_result(isolate, result, results[i]);
      result_list->Set(i, result);

And… we’re all set. Here’s the complete code for the CalculateResult function:

void CalculateResults(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&args) {
    Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate();
    std::vector<location> locations;
    std::vector<rain_result> results;
    // extract each location (its a list)
    Local<Array> input = Local<Array>::Cast(args[0]);
    unsigned int num_locations = input->Length();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_locations; i++) {
             unpack_location(isolate, Local<Object>::Cast(input->Get(i))));

    // Build vector of rain_results

    // Convert the rain_results into Objects for return
    Local<Array> result_list = Array::New(isolate);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++ ) {
      Local<Object> result = Object::New(isolate);
      pack_rain_result(isolate, result, results[i]);
      result_list->Set(i, result);

    // Return the list

Do another node-gyp configure build and re-run ` node rainfall.js` and you’ll see the fully populated output results from C++.

Result for Location 0
	Latitude:         145.45
	Longitude:        7.46
	Mean Rainfall:    1.59cm
	Median Rainfall:  1.65cm
	Standard Dev.:    0.64cm
	Number Samples:   4

Result for Location 1
	Latitude:         25.32
	Longitude:        98.64
	Mean Rainfall:    1.17cm
	Median Rainfall:  1.24cm
	Standard Dev.:    0.62cm
	Number Samples:   4

About efficiency

You might be wondering, aren’t we wasting a lot of memory by creating POCO copies of all the V8 data? Its a good point, for all the data being passed into the C++ Addon, the V8 objects (which take up memory) are being moved into new C++ objects. Those C++ (and their derivatives) are then copied into new V8 objects to be returned… we’re doubling memory consumption and its also costing us processing time to do all this!

For most use cases I end up working with, the overhead of memory copying (both time and space) is dwarfed by the actual execution time of the algorithm and processing that I’m doing in C++. If I’m going through the trouble of calling C++ from Node, its because the actual compute task is significant!

For situations where the cost of copying input/output isn’t dwarfed by your actual processing time, it would probably make more sense to use V8 object wrapping API instead.

Next up… asynchronous execution

Now that we’ve seen how to move primitives, objects, and lists between Node and C++, in Part 4 we’ll look at how to execute the bulk of our C++ work asynchronously in a separate thread using libuv so JavaScript can just give the add-on a callback and continue on its way.

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