Cross-platform addons with node-pre-gyp
Node.js applications (including electron apps) are deployed everywhere, including end-user machines without a full development stack. Usually this is no problem - but things get complicated with native addons are used.
Native C++ addons are distributed as modules, but npm
builds them on the target machine during the install using node-gyp
. node-gyp
isn’t a compiler, it’s a build system that adapts to the platform it’s on - on Windows it will use Visual Studio and on Linux/macOS it will use g++/clang. When installing an addon on a machine without a compiler, we are out of luck.
Enter node-pre-gyp
, a convenient tool that lets you deliver pre-built native addons as binary payloads - targeted to the user’s platform. Sounds magical, and in some respects it is! In this post, I’m going to walk you through how node-pre-gyp
works. I’ll create an addon that uses platform (OS) specific API’s for Windows, macOS, and Linux. You’ll learn how to package a platform-dependent addon into a module that can be deployed on end user machines as binaries.
What is node-pre-gyp
Probably the first thing to know about node-pre-gyp
is that it is simply a tool to automate what would normally be a tedious manual set of steps to properly download a pre-built binary. node-pre-gyp
is not a compiler, and it’s not a package distribution / repository tool. It just makes doing the following easier:
During build (development)
- Automatically names built addon executables based on the current platform (OS), architecture (i.e. x64), and Node.js version.
- Packages the executable into zipped payloads.
- Optionally automatically publishes the payload to an Amazon S3 bucket. You can also manually upload them elsewhere.
During install on an end-user’s machine
- Automatically detects and computes a filename for a package corresponding to the end-user’s platform/architecture/version.
- If found, downloads and unpacks the binary addon from the remote host,
- If not found, falls back to utilizing the build system on the end-user’s machine.
Example application - time
Let’s get started with an example. One of the most common reasons devs turn to native addons is to use an operating system’s native SDK to access features (webcam, system status, etc.). To demonstrate this type of scenario, I’m writing an addon that contains a single function that returns the current time.
Yes… I know Node.js already has such a provision… and before you point at that C++’s chrono
brought cross-platform high-resolution timers to C++ years ago, I know :) I’m writing these addons using the underlying OS API’s available in Windows, macOS, and Linux not because it’s a smart thing to do - but because it works as a simple, clear example of using native OS calls in an addon.
Before getting started with the addon project setup, let’s first create three platform-specific C++ source files, each containing a native_now
function which returns the current tick time using OS calls. The eventual build files will select the appropriate one for the intended platform (see below).
First the macOS implementation…
// Platform specific (macOS)
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
double native_now() {
static double timeConvert = 0.0;
if ( timeConvert == 0.0 ) {
mach_timebase_info_data_t timeBase;
(void)mach_timebase_info( &timeBase );
timeConvert = (double)timeBase.numer /
(double)timeBase.denom /
double time_now = (double)mach_absolute_time( ) * timeConvert;
return time_now;
Now the linux implementation…
// Platform specific (linux)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
double native_now() {
struct timespec ts;
const clockid_t id = CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW;
#elif defined(CLOCK_REALTIME)
const clockid_t id = CLOCK_REALTIME;
const clockid_t id = (clockid_t)-1;
if ( id != (clockid_t)-1 && clock_gettime( id, &ts ) != -1 ){
double time_now =
(double)ts.tv_sec +
(double)ts.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0;
return time_now;
return 0;
And finally the Windows implementation…
// Platform specific (windows)
#include <Windows.h>
double native_now() {
t = ((ULONGLONG)tm.dwHighDateTime << 32) | (ULONGLONG)tm.dwLowDateTime;
double time_now = (double)t / 10000000.0;
return time_now;
If you want to jam this all into one file and use #if preprocessor conditions to detect the OS, that’s fine too - but I tend to like using node-gyp
conditional inclusion to keep the code a bit easier to read.
Finally, I’m going to create a header file that I’ll use to drag this code into my addon - native-rt.h
// native-rt.h
// to be included by the addon code
double native_now();
Thanks to Nadeau Software for the code that I adapted to make this example!
Example directory structure
I’m going to create two projects - the addon, and an example program that uses the addon as a dependency. I’ll create these in their own folder, and we’ll start by bringing the 4 source files from above into the addon directory. In addition, I’m going to start the example program by just adding an index.js
file to it.
|---- native-rt.h
|---- index.js
The contents of index.js is just a quick program to call our soon-to-be created addon, which will be named native_rt
// index.js inside the example project.
var rt = require('native_rt');
var start =;
setTimeout(function() {
let end =;
console.log(end - start);
}, 1000)
Addon code
Now let’s create the addon code. Inside /addon
, we’ll create a
file that will use NAN to create a single addon function called “now”, as called on lines 2 and 5 of the example program above.
// inside the addon
#include <nan.h>
using namespace Nan;
using namespace v8;
#include "native-rt.h"
double time_now = native_now();
Local<Number> retval = Nan::New(time_now);
Nan::Set(target, New<String>("now").ToLocalChecked(),
NODE_MODULE(native_rt, Init)
At this point, we need to add a package.json and binding.gyp file to the addon folder so we can build it and include it in the example project. These files will end up changing a bit when we add node-pre-gyp
support. The package.json is straightforward:
Addon setup
Create a package.json file in the addon director to define your module.
"name": "native_rt",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "Example for using node-pre-gyp for cross-platform binaries",
"gypfile": true,
"main": "./build/Release/native_rt",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"nan": "^2.3.3"
Note the dependency on nan
, and that the entry point has been defined as the actual binary (the filename will be native_rt.node
). The binding.gyp
file is pretty straightforward as well, other than the use of conditionals for including source code files - node-gyp
will determine the platform and automatically add the right source code files when we set things up this way.
Here’s addon/binding.gyp
"targets": [
"target_name": "native_rt",
"sources": [ "" ],
["OS=='linux'", {
"sources": [ "" ]
["OS=='mac'", {
"sources": [ "" ]
["OS=='win'", {
"sources": [ "" ]
"include_dirs" : [
"<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")"
Importing the addon
Our addon is actually ready to be published to the npm registry at this point, but since this is just a (halfway done) example, let’s include it in the example by defining it as a local dependency. In the /example
directory, we’ll create another package.json
file declaring native-rt
as a dependency:
"name": "example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"native_rt": "file:../addon"
Now your directory structure should look like this:
|---- native-rt.h
|---- binding.gyp
|---- package.json
|---- index.js
|---- package.json
We can now do an npm install
from the example
directory to build the addon and copy it into the node_modules
directory within the example. Executing the project will result in the realization that the Node.js timer is not exact…
$ ~/example npm install
$ ~/example node index
The operative word in the sentence above is of course “build the addon”. The goal of this post is now to turn this addon into a pre-built executable (or set of executables) that can be deployed to different platforms with the same ease-of-use, without the build step requirement.
Setting up node-pre-gyp
As described above, node-pre-gyp
is a tool that makes it easy to deploy platform-specific binaries to a host (i.e. an Amazon S3 bucket), and set your addon up to automatically download the correct binary based on where it’s being installed. This means that as long as you pre-build and deploy your native addon for all of your supported platforms (OS, architecture, Node.js version), your end users won’t need to build your addon when adding it to their projects.
Updating addon/package.json
Our first step is to add node-pre-gyp
as a dependency in our addon’s package.json
file. Note that this isn’t just a build dependency, this needs to get installed on the end-user’s machine as well.
Next, we need to drop a new section into this same file to tell node-pre-gyp
how to name the binaries that it will create. The new package.json
is below.
"name": "native_rt",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "Example for using node-pre-gyp for cross-platform binaries",
"gypfile": true,
"main": "./index.js",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"nan": "^2.3.3",
"node-pre-gyp": "0.6.32"
"binary": {
"module_name": "native_rt",
"module_path": "./lib/binding/{configuration}/{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}/",
"remote_path": "./{module_name}/v{version}/{configuration}/",
"package_name": "{module_name}-v{version}-{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz",
"host": ""
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "npm install node-pre-gyp",
"install": "node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build"
Disregard the host
field in the binary
section and the scripts
entry for now, we’ll get to them in a little while. For now the important bits are the parameters in the module_path
, remote_path
, and package_name
values. These are all automatically determined by node-pre-gyp
when it build the binary packages to be deployed. They go as follows:
: This is where the binary build output will be placed locally, when we do annpm install
on the addon before deployment.remote_path
: This is the path that the binary build output will eventually be placed on the remote host - this will be used to fetch the binary when installing on an end-user’s machine.package_name
: The name of the binary build output - both locally and remote.
The variables being used are as follows:
: Release or Debug - you can pass –debug to set to Debug during buildplatform
: Basically boils down to the OS -darwin
, orwin32
. This is pulled fromprocess.platform
unless overridden by build flags. It’s unlikely you’ll override this, since you want the name to match up with the actual OS you are building the addon on.arch
: Pulled fromprocess.arch
, will be set tox64
, etc.version
: The version of your addon - this is derived from thepackage.json
: This refers to the C++ Application Binary Interface version supported by the version of Node.js the addon is targeting. This is derived from the Node.js runtime you are currently using. Addons developed for different Node.js versions may have different ABI numbers, which prevents them from working with Node.js/V8. This is automatically detected for you.
Now take a look at the scripts
element we’ve added. The preinstall
entry is just telling npm
to install node-pre-gyp
before doing anything else. This is critical, because from now on, npm install
won’t do the normal action, instead (as specified in the new install
entry), node-pre-gyp
will do the installation - both locally on your development machine, and also on the end-user’s machine. The --fallback-to-build
flag tells node-pre-gyp
to do the full build if it cannot locate the required binaries the specified remote host. Until we actually start deploying, this will always be the case, and the addon will build using the end-user (local) compiler as it has done before.
Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, we need to modify how a program require
ing this addon finds the main entry point. Recall our original package.json
had listed it’s entry point as ./build/Release/native_rt
. This made sense - it’s where npm install
and subsequently node-gyp
puts the binary output of an addon when it’s built.
This no longer holds though, now the binary addon will (hopefully) be found, pre-built, on a remote host. If it’s not found (based on OS, architecture, Node.js version, etc.), only then will it be built locally. node-pre-gyp
does all this magic for us, but we need to let it do it’s job. We do that by creating a new entry point - we’ll call it /addon/index.js
- on line 6 of the package.json above.
// index.js inside the addon project.
var binary = require('node-pre-gyp');
var path = require('path')
var binding_path = binary.find(path.resolve(path.join(__dirname,'./package.json')));
var binding = require(binding_path);
module.exports = binding;
This bit of code loads node-pre-gyp
, shows it where the package.json
file is with all the information about the binary files we’ll build, and then attaches the loaded binary to the exports property. Code require
ing this addon still works the same way - but now node-pre-gyp
is locating the binary.
Updating addon/binding.gyp
The binary
entry in package.json
won’t work unless you add a new build target to your binding.gyp
file. The new target is responsible for taking the normal addon output from npm install
and copying it out to the module_path
location as specified in package.json
Check out the binding.gyp
file below, we’ve added a new action_after_build
target that copies the primary build output to where node-pre-gyp
expects it to be.
// addon/binding.gyp
"targets": [
"target_name": "native_rt",
"sources": [ "" ],
["OS=='linux'", {
"sources": [ "" ]
["OS=='mac'", {
"sources": [ "" ]
["OS=='win'", {
"sources": [ "" ]
"include_dirs" : [
"<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")"
"target_name": "action_after_build",
"type": "none",
"dependencies": [ "<(module_name)" ],
"copies": [
"files": [ "<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(module_name).node" ],
"destination": "<(module_path)"
Your final file structure should look like this, with the only change being the new index.js found in the addon
|---- native-rt.h
|---- index.js
|---- binding.gyp
|---- package.json
|---- index.js
|---- package.json
Testing locally
Before moving forward, it’s a good idea to make sure that everything still works, even without the binary being deployed. Go into the example
directory and clean out node_modules
. Do an npm install
again, and you should see some new messages printing to the screen…
$ ~/example rm -r node_modules
$ ~/example npm install
... observe printouts, you should see some node-pre-gyp related messages
$ ~/example node index
In the printout, you should see the node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
command being executed. Since we haven’t deployed a binary yet, you’ll see messages like node-pre-gyp ERR! Tried to download(403)
and node-pre-gyp ERR! Pre-built binaries not found
. You’ll also notice that after those messages, node-pre-gyp
falls back to doing the normal build.
If all goes well, you can again run the addon with node index.js
and you’ll get a similar output as before.
Packaging and Publishing
Now it’s time to deploy binaries. Your first decision is what sort of host you want to use. You have two basic choices - an Amazon S3 bucket, or anything else. The “anything else” option basically just used any hosted endpoint. Github is a popular choice, but really any web host is fine (etc. - it just needs to support https. The advantage of using a custom host is that you don’t need to worry about the details of setting up S3 buckets, but the disadvantage is that you must manually deploy binaries to the proper remote path location. There is a module to automate a lot of the process when using github.
The advantage of using S3 buckets is that node-pre-gyp
can handle the deployment (publishing) process for you, entirely. You do need to have an Amazon AWS account, and you do need to properly setup an S3 bucket and user (with create/write permissions) however - and if you’ve never done this, expect a bit of heartburn…
I’m going to use the S3 bucket option for this tutorial. If you elect to use something else, just know that you need to manually upload built binaries to URLs matching those defined in your addon’s package.json
binary entry.
Setting up AWS
Your first step is to create an S3 bucket, with a few permissions set on a user so node-pre-gyp
can delete / add binary builds on the bucket, as well as list and retrieve files. node-pre-gyp
has some instructions on doing this here. The basic steps are as follows:
Step 1 - Configure AWS S3 Bucket
Login to your AWS console and create a new S3 bucket (for this tutorial, I’ve named mine “nodeaddons”). You can keep all the default properties set.
Step 2 - Configure AWS Policy
Login to IAM, and create a new policy. Ensure all the necessary permissions are set, and be sure to set the resource to contain your new S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1394587197000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Step 3 - Configure AWS User
Now attach the policy to either an existing or new user account. You’ll also need to generate and Access key for this user, which will be used by node-pre-gyp
to do the deployment. I recommend creating a file that contains your access key id and secret key at this point, and storing it somewhere on your machine (NOT in your source repository… don’t ever commit this to git!).
I named this file node-pre-gyp.config
and stored it in the root directory of the project. I added it to my .gitignore
to avoid problems. I’m going to use this file in the next step, although you could also add these parameters to your environment variables - more information is found here.
Step 4 - Install AWS SDK
In order to do the publishing, we need to add aws-sdk
to our dependencies. In /addon/package.json
add it, or just do npm install aws-sdk --save
Now, we can publish by using node-pre-gyp
directly. If you installed node-pre-gyp
globally, you can use it by typing node-pre-gyp
at the command line. We didn’t do that in this tutorial though, so I’m going to use it’s local install. Note I’m also adding the node-pre-gyp.config
as a command line option so my AWS credentials are available to node-pre-gyp
Before publishing, review the addon/package.json
file - recall we skipped over the host
entry in the binary
section. That host value is the root URL for your Amazon S3 bucket.
"binary" : {
"module_name": "native_rt",
"module_path": "./lib/binding/{configuration}/{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}/",
"remote_path": "./{module_name}/v{version}/{configuration}/",
"package_name": "{module_name}-v{version}-{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz",
"host": ""
Make sure that host name matches up with YOUR S3 bucket URL. Pay special attention to the S3 region, it needs to match up with the endpoint specified in your bucket’s properties, which can be accessed using the Amazon AWS console.
Now publish like this:
$ ~/addon npm install
$ ~/addon ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp package publish --config ../node-pre-gyp.config
The npm install
builds the package, the node-pre-gyp
command packages (makes the zip file) and publishes it to S3 - you should see a message at the end giving you the URL where the package was published. Running this on a Mac gave me the following URL -
Test this URL out (your URL, not mine…). You should be able to download the zip file.
Testing the deployment
As a first quick test, go ahead and remove all the following directories we’ve created in this project that include build artifacts:
$ ~/addon rm -r build
$ ~/addon rm -r lib
$ ~/addon rm -r node_modules
$ ~/addon cd ../example
$ ~/example rm -r node_modules
Now, in the example
directory, do a fresh npm install
. Notice the output - it won’t contain anything related to building. You’ll see a message saying something along the lines of “Success: … package installed via remote”. node-pre-gyp
automatically downloads the binary! Note that your AWS credentials aren’t needed for this, since you S3 bucket doesn’t require authentication just to download the file.
$ ~/example npm install
$ ~/example node index.js
Publishing to multiple platforms
Now comes the “fun” part. In the steps above, we’ve only published binaries for the specific setup we have on our development machine. The next step is to re-run the npm install
and ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp package publish --config ../node-pre-gyp.config
on every configuration you intend to support. This means you’ll need to do this on Linux, macOS, and Windows. It also means you likely need to do this with various versions of Node.js. You may even go as far as different CPU architectures. This is obviously a tedious process, and typically it’s automated - node-pre-gyp
has documentation specifically discussing using Appveyor and Travis. This is outside the scope of this article, but is the next logical step.
It takes some work to setup, and it requires you to build your addon on all your intended platforms, but node-pre=gyp
gives you the ability to distributed npm packages with native addons anywhere - including end-user machines without the necessary build tools for C++. The code we’ve developed in the /addon
directory is 100% ready to be published to an npm repository, and it can be require
ed by any Node.js program.
You can find the full source code for this in the nodecpp-demo repository, this example is found in the prebuilt
Now of course it’s time to create a useful addon, worth distributing! Check out some of my eariler posts and my book for more help on that part.